Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Presenter: Margaret O’Keefe, Parent ’19, Adjunct Assistant Professor, NYU School of Professional Studies
Description: Managers leverage parenting experiences to develop, guide and coach staff – with mixed results. Multiple generations in the workplace means varying perceptions of good parenting, and management. Should Gen Y and Millennial employees be managed in the style they were parented? Did the generation gap of the Baby Boomers/Traditionalists influence their management style? Gen X is immersed in parenting – does it influence managing staff? When expectations between managers and staff conflict along generational lines, the advice on how to bridge the gap can feel contradictory – is this management, parenting, or pandering? This webinar explores the life/work intersection where managing/parenting styles converge from a cross-cultural perspective. An overview of how Traditionalist, Baby Boomer, Gen X and Gen Y/Millennials generations can disconnect over authority, autonomy, and accountability – both in the workplace and as parents - will set the stage for exploring how professionals can integrate the best of their parenting and management styles.
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